Thursday, February 5, 2009

Obituary Data Visualization Project Proposal

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“Obituaries De Stijl” is a data visualization graph with a neoplasticism feel to be displayed on a computer. Since this type of style was Dutch artistic movement, the obituaries that are plotted on this graph are of different type of designers, including web, architects, fashion, etc. It would display the deaths throughout the year.

Given: Having full access to the database from the past 15 years. is an innovative online media company that collaborates with more than 700 newspapers in North America, Europe and Australia to provide ways for readers to express condolences and share remembrances of loved ones.

Being in a school with many design talents, having a data visualization system that shows the deaths of designers would be rather interesting.

The system itself would look similar to a piece of artwork from the neoplasticism movement (a grid like composition with solid colors). Each of the solid colors would represent a different sub category of design. The De Stijl artworks would usually be limited to the primary colors, white and black, but since there are way more design disciplines than 5, there will be more colors to this graph. The disciplines include web, communication, graphic, motion, production, fashion, architectural, game, and other. There are an exceptional amount of other design disciplines and to determine which ones make it to the top 8 will be analyzed through out time.

The larger the solid, the more deaths it represents. Each solid color have a hover feature stating which design discipline it’s representing and how many deaths. Once the solid is clicked, the Mondrianesque graph will animate smoothly to show another De Stijl type graph, illustrating the ages of the deaths. The color of the solids would no longer be variant, but would be different shades of the color that was clicked. A lighter shade would represent a younger age, while the darkest shade represents an old age.

The data will be scraped from the database by means of a web scraping program (Beautiful Soup library made on for the Python language). Once the data is obtained, another program will be written to visually display the information in the De Stijl style. Flash will be used to animate from main graph to subgraphs.

Initial graph displaying different design disciplines. Cursor is hovered over Web Designers.

Sub graph displaying specific discipline and number of deaths.

1. Graphic Visualization of Male Deaths

2. Interactive Chart: Your Risk of Death

3. Death by Cause

4. Effects of Blogs

5. Fresh Information Graphs

6. Very Small Array (Music)

7. Stock Market and World GDP Data Sculpture

8. Piet Mondrian

9. Map of the Market

10. Mondrian Visualization


jason corace said...


Steve - You need to lay out your arguments as to why the design is interesting. The abstract should be used to give somebody a concise explanation of your project.