Tuesday, February 24, 2009

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The “Mission Debriefer” is a mini computer device that comes with a G.I. Joe action figure. It provides videos of missions or scenarios to accomplish, which is a guideline for the child’s imagination. This device detects the action figure’s moves and decides whether or not it has completed the mission. The computer will also be able to connect with other similar devices in the area via WiFi, as well as download more missions from a household computer with Internet and upload statistics.

Playing with action figures has always exercised one’s imagination. Have you ever used your bed sheets, chairs, and pillows to build a fort and then make up a storyline for your figurine?
With the “Mission Debriefer” that comes with the G.I. Joe, imagination and skill are taken to another level. In current role-playing video games (i.e. Call of Duty, Spider-Man, Grand Theft Auto, etc.) there is always a mission that your character must accomplish. This device brings the mission concept from video games to the actual action figure. A video is played from the “Mission Debriefer” and the child reacts whiling using his imagination to accomplish the orders that have been given to him.

The device detects all of the movements of the G.I. Joe. If the action figure shoots its gun 10 times, the device records that the G.I. Joe has shot his gun 10 times. Combat moves are detected as well, whether the action figure has done more kicks than punches, more flips than sweeps, etc. In more advanced levels, certain punch and kick combinations will be required in order to proceed to the next level (similar to combinations done in fighting games such as Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat).

Once the player thinks he has followed through with the orders, the device debriefs him about the mission and lets him know whether or not he has accomplished the mission successfully.
At any time the device may detect another “Mission Debriefer” in the area and may ask the player whether or not he would like to connect with that device via WiFi in order to do a more interesting cooperative mission.

Statistics of his mission are uploaded online, where if he accomplishes many missions and gets enough points, cartoons and video missions can be downloaded to the device. Connection is available through WiFi or USB connection.

• Toy Laptop: The computer device will function similar to this.
• G.I. Joe Website: G.I. Joe’s Official Website, where the missions and videos will be hosted
• Hot Wheels Laptop
• Captain Power – Precedent Interactive Toy