Monday, September 8, 2008

Problem: strollers in subway

what: push them out the way
why: to get the space u need.
why not: that's just plain mean, but satisfying but only a lil bit. karma will come around?

what: put ads in the subways that say to close your strollers before entering the car.
why: Yes! but people keep them open. especially the large bulky for no reason ones.
why not: it's been done. not very effective tho.

what: do not allow strollers all together in the subway station
why: completely eliminates this frustration with these damn strollers.
why not: I guess the families without cars can't get around, but if u have a kid, u should be able to afford a car, with a car seat for the kid.

what: only allow small simple strollers into the station.
why: kids can be on the train, but won't take up as much space as those annoying big strollers.
why not: no real reason. I guess the families with big strollers will lose out on having all those random accesories for their child, but if one is traveling, u should keep it to a minimum.

what: provide stroller drop offs at every subway station.
why: so no strollers will be in the actual
why not: this is great! but then whut if they need to continue their traveling by foot? they need the strollers afterwards. maybe when they drop of the stroller they get a baby body carrier in exchange. but then what's the point in bringing the stroller in the first place?

what: provide space in each car specific for strollers.
why: so that they can go to these sits and be bully there
why not: this is done on sum lines already for wheel chairs, but people don't know to use them. this needs to be communicated better.

what: communicate that u need to put ur strollers in these areas. have the newer lines with rotating text say to do this. have pictures near these areas got strollers, and not just wheel chairs.
why: so that people are aware of this solution.
why not: not everybody reads these signs.

what: having videos being played around the stations (before and after entering the turnstyle) that portray the use of these stroller areas. it videos should also be on the platforms.
why: videos communicate better than text (universal)
why not: MTA is struggling with finds right now and for them to add tvs or videos projections everywhere is unlikely. but this would def be a good look.

what: put pictures of strollers in these areas
why: so families are aware that this area is good for strollers.
why not: it doesn't tell them aboutnthr issue beforehad. but will aid in gettig the message across.

what: give out a flyer that gets the message across to everybody in the station with a stroller
why: a message that just says "close your stroller when in the subway station and cars" would suffice and help out. and other details like "use small umbrella strolelrs when necessary" or "please ride towards the front of the car or in the center." also saying that strollers can be hazardous to your childs health, etc
why not: some people may not take the flyer if it s regular person giving them out...if it was an authority figure, i think they will be more likely to take, read it, and take it into consideration.